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  著者名・書名 版次 出版年 解題
Whittock, Nathaniel 1828 解題
  A topographical and historical descriiption of the University and City of Oxford / by Nathaniel Whittock
London  : Isaac Taylor Hinton
iv, 102 p. 42 illus.
27.5 cm

Wise, Thomas James 1928 解題
  A Byron library : a catalogue of printed books, manuscripts and autograph letters by George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron / collected by Thomas James Wise
London  : Dunedin Press
xxvii, 144 p.
26.5 cm

Thackeray, William Makepeace 1st latin ed. 1849 解題
  The history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy, vol. 1 / by William Makepeace Thackeray ; with illustrations on steel and wood by the author
London  : Bradbury and Evans
viii, 384 p.
21 cm

Thackeray, William Makepeace 1st latin ed. 1850 解題
  The history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy, vol. 2 / by William Makepeace Thackeray ; with illustrations on steel and wood by the author
London  : Bradbury and Evans
ix, 372 p.
21 cm

Vaughan, William 1839 解題
  Tracts on docks and commerce, printed between the years 1793 & 1800, and now first collected : with an introduction, memoir, and miscellaneous pieces / by William Vaugham
London  : Smith, Elder
[333] p. front. (port.) fold. pl.,; 2 fold. Plans.
21 cm
